1 - Introduction

We are committed to respecting the privacy and confidentiality of personal data. For this reason, in this privacy policy you will find information on the processing of your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. We have adopted administrative and technical measures to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation.

The use of this website is subject to the conditions set out below, which the user undertakes to fully comply with. You should not use this website if you do not agree with these conditions.

2 - Your consent

By using our website and platforms, you agree to our privacy policy.

3 - Why do we process personal data?

The personal data collected are used primarily to respond to information and contact requests, manage contracts, provide services and communicate changes to the products and services subscribed to. However, with your consent, they may also be used to announce new products and services, as well as news about the company, carry out evaluation surveys and information actions required by law.

4 - What personal data is collected?

Normally, the personal data collected is limited to name, address, telephone/mobile number, tax number and email address, but other data necessary to provide products or services may also be collected.

In addition, when sending emails, statistical data is collected that allows us to know the behavior of each subscriber in relation to the email received.

5 - How is personal data collected?

In general, personal data is collected when you sign up for one of our products or services and some personal data must be provided in order to provide the service.

6 - Data of minors

The website is not aimed at minors under 16 years of age, so we ask minors not to use the website or send us any personal data.

7 - Sensitive data

We expressly ask you not to send us or bring to our attention any sensitive personal data, i.e. information revealing a natural person's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation. Such personal data will be deleted immediately.

8 - How long will the personal data be kept?

We would like to inform you that the personal data you provide will be kept for a maximum of ten years.

However, in certain cases we may keep the data for longer, in particular when required by law.

9 - Right to access, rectify and update data

In accordance with current legislation, you, as the data subject, have the right to access your personal data at any time, request their rectification or integration, oppose the processing of the data, except for those strictly necessary for the provision of the service and/or request data portability, request the deletion of your data for marketing or telemarketing purposes or inclusion in subscriber lists and information services.

You can request any of the above measures through our contact page on the website, using the most convenient and accessible means for you, contacting us through our address, telephone number or email address on the link: Contacts

10 - Sharing information with third parties

We do not sell or market your data.

As part of their activities, we may engage third parties to provide certain services, which may result in these organizations having access to the personal data of our users and customers. When this happens, we take all reasonable precautions and contractually oblige these companies to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unlawful processing of the data and to ensure its availability, integrity and confidentiality.

In strict compliance with the law, personal data may also be made available to the courts and other competent authorities, in particular when they are necessary for the resolution of billing disputes and for activities related to the protection of public safety, defense and security of the State, as well as the prevention, investigation or detection of crimes.

If you ask us to delete some or all of your personal data, we may not be able to provide you with some of the services you have requested, but we will keep the personal data necessary to fulfill our legal obligations.

We reserve the right to request access to the identification data of the author of the request in order to prove his identity. We also collect your data when you subscribe to a newsletter, to respond to your messages and requests for information, to analyze and formalize your application as a partner or collaborator, to operate and manage the website, to prevent fraud and to store your contact details.

We always respect your right to privacy and do not collect personal data about you without your prior and express consent. Your personal data will not be reused for other purposes previously established or that are not related to the purposes for which they were initially collected.

However, you are solely responsible for providing false or inaccurate data.

11 - Security

Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data is a commitment we make to all our customers and users.

To this end, we follow the best practices of information security management and require our employees to strictly comply with the strict rules that ensure the security of the personal data transmitted to us. You may not use this data for purposes other than those stipulated in the contract, nor may you associate it with other data at your disposal.

We would like to inform you that the data circulating on the Internet is not completely protected against possible leaks and that you are fully responsible for the transmission of access codes, passwords, confidential codes and other sensitive information.

12 - Cookies

We use cookies on this website. A cookie is a small text file that identifies your computer on our server. Cookies themselves do not identify the individual user, only the computer used. Cookies are not used to collect personal information.This website uses cookies to determine the usefulness, interest and number of visits to the website, which allows faster and more efficient browsing and eliminates the need to repeatedly enter the same information.

The use of cookies by this website always requires your prior consent.

The cookies we use are:

PHPSESSID: Cookie that allows the website to respond to any action the user performs on the website, such as filling out an inquiry form. The website will not function properly if this cookie is not used.

xms_user: Cookie used by back office users. The website will function correctly if this cookie is not used.

__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz: The __utmz cookies starting with "__utm" enable the functioning of the analysis software. This software helps analyze website visitors and provides anonymous information such as browsers used, return visitors and responses to marketing activities.
__atuvc: The _atuvc cookie is created and read by the website's JavaScript that enables content sharing on social networks "AddThis".

All browsers allow the user to accept, reject or delete cookies, in particular by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser. You can configure cookies in the "Settings" or "Preferences" menu of your browser. If you want to learn more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been created and how to manage and delete them, visit There you will also find information on how to manage your settings for the various browser providers.

Please note, however, that disabling cookies may affect some or all of your browsing experience on the website.

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser

To give visitors more choice about how their data is collected by Google Analytics, Google has developed the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.The add-on communicates with the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that information about visiting the website should not be sent to Google Analytics. The Google Analytics Browser Opt-out Add-on does not prevent information from being sent to the website itself or to other web analytics services.Learn more about the Google Analytics Browser Opt-out extra.

13 - Links to Third Party Websites

The links on this website may lead to other websites. We are not responsible for the content of those websites or the websites linked to or referenced by them, and do not support or endorse them in any way.

14 - Changes to Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and therefore recommend that you review it regularly. All changes will take effect immediately after they are posted on the Website.

If you do not agree with the changes to our privacy policy, you should stop using our services, including the Website.

15 - General provisions

We are not liable for any damage caused by viruses that may infect the user's computer or network or other property resulting from accessing our Website and the transmission of its contents to the user's computer or network.

16 - Contacts, requests and questions

If you have any doubts or questions, or if you wish to update, delete or change any personal information we have stored about you, or if you have any concerns about the way we handle privacy issues, please contact us through our contact page on the Website, choosing the most convenient and accessible way for you and establishing communication with us through our address, telephone number or email address on the link: Contacts